
Linguista: Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya

Journal TitleLinguista: Jurnal Imliah Bahasa Sastra dan Pembelajarannya
Frequency2 issues per year
DOIprefix 10.25273 by  
Online ISSN2579-8944
Print ISSN2579-9037
Editor-in-chiefDr. Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono, M.Pd
Managing EditorDr. Lulus Irawati, M.Pd
PublisherUniversitas PGRI Madiun
Citation Google Scholar | 

Linguista: Jurnal Imliah Bahasa Sastra dan Pembelajarannya , a scientific journal of language, literature and their learning, is an open access journal through a peer review process that welcomes and accomodates a collection of original Indonesian and English-language research based articles. The areas of science include: language learning innovation, language learning for children, language curriculum development, language learning in terms of socio-cultural and political aspects, assessment of language learning, professional development of language teachers, linguistics, applied linguistics, translation, review of literary works , oral literature studies, children's literature studies, comparative literature, and contemporary literature.

Based on quotations from the, MENRISREK/BRIN of the Republic of Indonesia Number 85/M/KPT/2020 on April 10, 2020 Linguista: Jurnal Imliah Bahasa Sastra dan Pembelajarannya designated as ranked 4rd accredited scientific journal. Accreditation is valid for five years, starting from volume 2 issue 1 in 2018 to volume 6 issue 2 in 2022. Information on the certificate of accreditation clicks here.

Citation Linguista: Jurnal Imliah Bahasa Sastra dan Pembelajarannya in  Google Scholar:

  • Jumlah artikel terindeks di Google Scholar: 49
  • Jumlah sitasi di Google Scholar: 19
  • h-index di Google Scholar : 2
  • i10-index di Google Scholar : 0

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Vol 8, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents


  10.25273/linguista.v8i1.20084     Abstract views : 160

  10.25273/linguista.v8i1.20086     Abstract views : 129

Ismayana Ismayana  (Universitas Trunojoyo Madura) 
Arief Setyawan  (Universitas Trunojoyo Madura) 
Emy Rizta Kusuma  (Universitas Trunojoyo Madura) 

  10.25273/linguista.v8i1.19404     Abstract views : 65

Fajrianto Setyo Nugroho  (Universitas PGRI Madiun) 
Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono  (Universitas PGRI Madiun) 
Sigit Ricahyono  (Universitas PGRI Madiun) 

  10.25273/linguista.v8i1.20239     Abstract views : 52