About the Journal


gulawentah: Jurnal Studi Sosial  is scientific journals which publish articles from the fields social science and social science education. Gulawentah: Jurnal Studi Sosial is Published by Pascasarjana Universitas PGRI Madiun.

The scope of articles that can be accepted in this journal are:

  1. Social sciences and humanities
  2. Social studies
  3. Models, approaches, strategies, methods, media, learning resources, and evaluation of learning social science education and social studies
  4. Research and development of social science education and social studies

Citedness gulawentah: Jurnal Studi Sosial in Scopus: (10)

Rahmatina, D., Hidayat, M. A. (2021).Amalgamasi etnik Tionghoa dan etnik Madura dalam konstruksi indentitas religius anak di Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura ,Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 6(2) pp 119

Cited (1) by:

Local Wisdom of the Tradition of Pantauan Bunting in the Besemah Tribe in Lahat Regency Widodo, S., Istiawati, N.F., Lestari, M.A. 2023 Forum Geografi
37(1), pp. 24-34

Hariyadi, E., Maryani, E.,Kastolani, W. (2021).Analisis literasi lingkungan pada mahasiswa pendidikan geografi ,Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 6(1)

Cited (1) by:

The Effect of Environmental Education Open Inquiry Learning Kits on the Environmental Literacy of Pre-service Biology Teachers Rasis, R., Paidi, Suhartini, Kuswanto, H., Hartanti, R.D. 2023 Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability
25(1), pp. 40-63

Dadan, S., Widodo, B. (2020).Revitalisasi dan Konservasi Permainan Anak Tradisional Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Di Kabupaten Banyumas, Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 5(2), 107-144

Cited (1) by:

Increasing youth awareness of local culture through active learning
Open Access
Rosa, S., Olivia, I., Gayatri, S., Fitria, T.N., Rojabi, A.R. 2021 Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
16(4), pp. 1582-1601

Ruslan, S. (2019).Rekonstruksi Rumah Majapahit di Desa Bejijong Sebagai Sarana Edukasi Pendidikan IPS, Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 4(1), pp56

Cited (1) by:

The Concept of Sacredness of the Prayer Hall at the Vihara Mendut, Java, Indonesia Adicandra, S.A.R., Prijotomo, J., Sugiharto, B. 2022 ISVS e-journal
9(3), pp. 165-182

Dewi, V.M. (2018).Upacara Adat Wisuda Waranggono di Kayangan Api Desa Sendangharjo Kecamatan Ngasem Kabupaten Bojonegoro (Nilai Budaya dan Potensinya Sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Sejarah). Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 3(2),

Cited (1) by:

Engaging Virtual Museum of Bojonegoro for History Learning Khakim, M.N.L., Yuliati, Sulistyo, W.D. 2021 Proceedings of URICET 2021 - Universitas Riau International Conference on Education Technology 2021
pp. 451-455

Sunyoto, S. (2018)Tradisi Bersih Kali (Studi Kearifan Lokal dan Potensinya sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran IPS SD.Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 3(2), 78-89.

Cited (1) by:

Synergy between myth and local wisdom in ecology balance of climate change in Java, Indonesia
Open Access
Wibowo, A., Sugihardjo, Lestari, E. 2021 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Hapsari, Y.T., Fuad, A.D. (2017).Manajemen rantai pasokan pada masyarakat nelayan tradisional (Studi kasus pada nelayan Pfluger Jember). Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 2(2), 67-78

Cited (1) by:

Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Logistics Service Industry: A Systematic Literature Review in Indonesia Siregar, M.T., Zagloel, T.Y.M. 2023 AIP Conference Proceedings

Hanif, M. (2016). Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Memberdayakan Warga Retardasi Mental Dengan Model Asanti Emotan (Studi Kasus Di Sidoharjo Jambon Ponorogo).Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial 5(2), 1-13.

Cited (1) by:

Akon-akon kambing as a methods of empowering disability: Local wisdom studies Hanif, M., Retno, R.S. 2019 International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
8(11), pp. 427-433

Parji, Andriani, R.E. (2016). Hubungan Minat Belajar Siswa Dengan Hasil Belajar Ips Di Smp Negeri 14 Kota Madiun. Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial, 1(1), pp 14-23

Cited (1) by: 

Teaching Primary School Students through Local Cultural Games for Improving Positive Characters Syahrial, Asrial, Kurniawan, D.A., Kiska, N.D., Damayanti, L. 2022 International Journal of Instruction
15(3), pp. 1047-1078


Budiwibowo, S. (2016).Hubungan Minat Belajar Siswa Dengan Hasil Belajar Ips Di Smp Negeri 14 Kota Madiun.Gulawentah:Jurnal Studi Sosial, 1(1)

Cited (1) by:

The Phenomena of Learning Loss Experienced by Elementary School Students during the Covid-19 Post Pandemic Kertih, I.W.,Widiana, I.W.,Antara, I.G.W.S. 2023 Emerging Science Journal
7(Special issue 2), pp. 201-213




gulawentah: Jurnal Studi Sosial with registered number ISSN: 2528-6893 (print), ISSN: 2528-6871 (online) has been covered by the following indexing and abstracting services:

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Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 02-12-2024


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