Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation and Submission

General Guidelines

  1. Paper Size and Margins

    • Use A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
    • Content should be in two columns, except for tables and figures.
  2. Font and Formatting

    • Use Times New Roman throughout the document.
    • Font size varies by section:
      • Title: 14 pt, Bold.
      • Section Headings: 12 pt, Bold.
      • Body Text: 11 pt.
    • Line spacing: Single.

Article Structure

  1. Title

    • In both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
    • Use Times New Roman 14 Bold.
  2. Author Details

    • Include the author’s full name, affiliation, and email.
    • Example:

      Muhammad Hanif 1*, Andista Candra Yusro2

      Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPS, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas PGRI Madiun
      Program Studi Doktor Teknologi Pembelajaran, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Malang

      email : *

  3. Abstract

    • Write separate abstracts in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
    • Font: Times New Roman 11, single-spaced, approximately 150-175 words.
    • Content: Purpose, method, and results of the research.
    • Keywords: 3-5 specific and representative terms separated by semicolons.
  4. Main Sections

    • Introduction
      • Include background, research urgency, problem formulation, research objectives, and significance.
      • Write narratively without subheadings.
    • Methodology
      • Describe the research type, location, subjects, procedures, instruments, and data analysis techniques.
    • Results and Discussion
      • Present findings with an emphasis on interpretation and theoretical context. Use subheadings as needed.
    • Conclusion
      • Provide a concise summary of the research findings and implications. Avoid repeating the discussion.
  5. Tables and Figures

    • Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially with clear captions.
      • Table captions: Times New Roman 11 Bold, above the table.
      • Figure captions: Times New Roman 11 Bold, centered below the figure.


  1. Use APA style 7 Edition for citations and references.
  2. Manage references with tools like Mendeley or Zotero.
  3. Examples:
    • Journal Article:
      Hanif, M. (2011). Studi Media dan Budaya Populer dalam Perspektif Modernisme dan Postmodernisme. KOMUNIKA, 5(2), 235-251. 
    • Book:
      Hanif, M. (2014). Meneropong Kampung Idiot. Madiun: Institut Press.
    • Thesis/Dissertation:
      Hanif, M. (2014). Perilaku Sosial Warga Masyarakat terhadap Warga Retardasi Mental di Kampung Idiot Desa Sidoharjo. Disertasi. Universitas Merdeka Malang.