Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation and Submission
General Guidelines
Paper Size and Margins
Use A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
Content should be in two columns, except for tables and figures.
Font and Formatting
Use Times New Roman throughout the document.
Font size varies by section:
Title: 14 pt, Bold.
Section Headings: 12 pt, Bold.
Body Text: 11 pt.
Line spacing: Single.
Article Structure
In both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Use Times New Roman 14 Bold.
Author Details
Include the author’s full name, affiliation, and email.
Muhammad Hanif 1*, Andista Candra Yusro2
Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPS, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas PGRI Madiun Program Studi Doktor Teknologi Pembelajaran, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Malang
email : *
Write separate abstracts in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Font: Times New Roman 11, single-spaced, approximately 150-175 words.
Content: Purpose, method, and results of the research.
Keywords: 3-5 specific and representative terms separated by semicolons.
Main Sections
Include background, research urgency, problem formulation, research objectives, and significance.
Write narratively without subheadings.
Describe the research type, location, subjects, procedures, instruments, and data analysis techniques.
Results and Discussion
Present findings with an emphasis on interpretation and theoretical context. Use subheadings as needed.
Provide a concise summary of the research findings and implications. Avoid repeating the discussion.
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially with clear captions.
Table captions: Times New Roman 11 Bold, above the table.
Figure captions: Times New Roman 11 Bold, centered below the figure.
Use APA style 7 Edition for citations and references.
Manage references with tools like Mendeley or Zotero.
Journal Article: Hanif, M. (2011). Studi Media dan Budaya Populer dalam Perspektif Modernisme dan Postmodernisme. KOMUNIKA, 5(2), 235-251.
Book: Hanif, M. (2014). Meneropong Kampung Idiot. Madiun: Institut Press.
Thesis/Dissertation: Hanif, M. (2014). Perilaku Sosial Warga Masyarakat terhadap Warga Retardasi Mental di Kampung Idiot Desa Sidoharjo. Disertasi. Universitas Merdeka Malang.