ETJ; English Teaching Journal

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

ETJ  accepts research articles and scientific documentaries related to:

1. English Language Teaching and Learning
2. English Language and Linguistics
3. English Literature


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Each article submitted to the ETJ Journal will be selected through Initial Review Process by the Editorial Board. The articles will be, then, sent to the associate analysts under the procedures of visually blind preview process. The analysts review the manuscripts both by content and by journal guidelines. These associate analysts, who coordinates with ETJ Journal, are the expert in the field of English Education, Linguistics, and Literature of which each involves in any prestigious journal speading all around the world. Afterwards, the articles will be sent back to the authors to be revised. All of the processes take of at most two months prior to the date of sending article.


Publication Frequency

English Teaching Journal: A Journal of English Literature, Language, and Education (ETJ) is published twice a year in June and December.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Plagiarism Policy

After we receive the articles, we send it to the admin who are responsible for Grammarly account that our university has. He will do the scanning process. From the result of scanning, if we do not find any plagiarism, we will forward the articles to the editor. However, if we find that there is a plagiarism, there will be two actions. First, if the plagiarism is less than 40%, we recommend the writer to revise his/her paper/article. Second, if it is more than 40%, we will reject the papers/articles