Ekranisasi Komik Naruto Karya Masashi Kishimoto ke Anime Naruto Karya Hayato Date

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Fajrianto Setyo Nugroho
Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono
Sigit Ricahyono


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan proses ekranisasi yang terjadi dari komik menjadi anime. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian kualitatif yang ditopang teori ekranisasi milik Pamusuk Eneste. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu komik Naruto yang diakses via laman web www.komiku.id serta sumber data yang kedua yaitu anime Naruto diakses via laman web www.samehadaku.vip. Instrumen pengambilan data yang digunakan berjenis instrumen dokumen berupa panel dalam komik dan adegan dalam anime. Teknik yang digunakan yaitu teknik catat, teknik baca dan teknik simak. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan uji validitas semantis, yaitu menafsirkan data sesuai konteksnya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekranisasi dari komik Naruto ke anime Naruto memuat proses perubahan berupa pengurangan, penambahan dan perubahan variasi. Proses pengurangan ditemukan sebanyak 10 data dari 25 data atau sebesar 40%, proses penambahan ditemukan sebanyak 23 data dari 25 data atau sebesar 92%, proses perubahan variasi ditemukan sebanyak 12 data dari 25 data atau sebesar 48%. Selain itu, tiga proses ekranisasi tersebut ditemukan dalam panel komik, struktur fisik anime berupa adegan (scene) dan sekuen (sequence) serta struktur batiniah berupa eksposisi, point of attack, komplikasi, discovery, konflik, krisis, klimaks, falling action dan kesimpulan.

Kata kunci: Sastra Bandingan, Alih Wahana, Ekranisasi, Naruto.



The aims of this research is to find ecranization process from comics to anime. This research is a qualitative research supported by Pamusuk Eneste’s ecranization theory. The data source for this research is the Naruto comics and accessed through the www.komiku.id website and the second source is the Naruto anime and accessed through the website www.samehadaku.vip. The type of data collection instrument is document instrument be in the form of comics panel and anime scene. The techniques used are note-taking techniques and reading techniques. Techniques of data validity is using semantic validity test, namely interpreting data according the context. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this research show that ecranization from Naruto comics to Naruto anime was contained of three process of change such as reduction, addition and variation change. The reduction process has been found 10 data out of 25 data or by 40%, the addition process has been found 23 data out of 25 data or by 92%, the variation change process has been found 12 data out of 25 data or by 48%. Besides that, the three process of ecranization has been found in comic’s panel, physical structure of anime in the form of scene and sequence, as well as the inner structure in the form of exposition, point of attack, complication, discovery, conflict, crisis, climax, falling action and conclusion.

Keywords: Comparative Literature, Transfer of Vehicles, Ecranization, Naruto


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