Pengembangan Skala Kesiapan Belajar Mandiri (Self-Directed Learning Readiness / SDLR)

Cindy Asli Pravesti, Elia Firda Mufidah


Saat ini, individu telah memiliki bekal dalam pembelajaran daring (online). Untuk itu penting mengetahui kesiapan belajar mandiri (self-directed learning readiness) dari individu tersebut. Pengetahuan mengenai kesiapan belajar mandiri tentunya diperlukan alat ukur. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengahasilan skala pengukuran self-directed learning readiness yang valid dan reliabel. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (reaserch and development) yang mengadaptasi dari model penyusunan skala psikologi dengan 9 tahapan yakni identifikasi tujuan ukur, membatasi domain ukur, menghimpun indikator, menulis item skala, uji coba bahasa, uji coba skala, mengukur reliablitias mengukur validitas, dan menyusun kembali skala. Hasil penelitian diperoleh skala Self-Directed Learning Readiness yang valid (> 0,5) dan reliabel (0,6). Selain itu, skala yang dihasilkan juga sudah lolos dalam uji bahasa. Adapun skala self-directed learning readiness ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagi konselor dalam upaya pencegahan mengenai kemandirian belajar.

Currently, individuals are equipped with online learning. For this reason, it is important to know the individual's self-directed learning readiness. Knowledge regarding readiness for independent learning certainly requires measuring tools. This aims to produce a self-directed learning readiness measurement scale that is valid and reliable. The research method uses the research and development method which is adapted from the psychological scale construction model with 9 stages, namely identifying measuring objectives, limiting the measuring domain, collecting indicators, writing scale items, language testing, scale testing, measuring reliability, measuring validity, and rearranging the scale. The research results obtained a self-directed learning readiness scale that was valid (> 0.5) and reliable (0.6). Apart from that, the resulting scale has also passed the language test. The self-directed learning readiness scale can be used as a reference for counselors in preventing independent learning


Development, scale, self-directed learning readiness

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