Mediasi self-efficacy dalam membangun resiliensi akademik Mahasiswa: suatu studi komparatif
efikasi diri, resiliensi akademikAbstract
Abstract:Â This research aims to analyze the mediation of self-efficacy in building academic resilience of students in online learning from the aspects of emotional intelligence and social support. This type of research is ex post-facto research with a quantitative approach. This research used random sampling with a sample size of 189 people. Data collection uses a questionnaire using Google Form. The data analysis technique uses path analysis with the SPSS version 23.0 application. The research results found that self-efficacy mediation plays an effective and significant role in strengthening the influence of emotional intelligence and social support on the development of academic resilience of FE students at Medan State University. The findings of this research have an impact on increasing student self-efficacy in encouraging the development of academic resilience, so that students are expected to be able to increase their self-efficacy and be able to survive the various difficulties they experience when learning online. Apart from that, this research also has an impact on improving the quality of guidance and counseling services, so that counselors pay more attention to students with low levels of resilience, so they can help students increase their self-efficacy, develop preventive programs for students who have low academic resilience, and become policy recommendations for the campus.
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