The use of nursery rhymes to teach writing for the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Geger


  • Maria Agustina Astuti Siba Lian Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Nuri Ati Ningsih Universitas PGRI Madiun



writing, teaching writing, Nursery Rhymes


Writing is one of the basic skills in English teaching that must be mastered well by the students. Nursery Rhymes is choosen as a media in teaching writing in order to make the students easily to understand. The objectives of this research are: to describe the implementation, the advantages and the disadvantages of the use Nursery Rhymes to teach writing. The researcher takes place at SMPN 2  Geger. The researcher uses qualitative approach in this research. The source of data are social situation, participant/informant, and documents. The techniques of collecting data are observation, interview and documentation. The triangulation is used to validate the data while the researcher analyze the data through three phases consist of data condensation, data display and verifying conclusion. The result of the research shows that the implementation of the use of Nursery Rhymes to teach writing are explaining materials, introducing a Nursery Rhymes, play the song of Nursery Rhymes, and guiding the students write a text about the Nursery Rhymes. Beside, the advantages of the use of Nursery Rhymes to teach writing are: it is simple and cheaper than other media, it is enriches students’ vocabulary. While, the disadvantages are: it needs much time in teaching learning process, students still ask their teacher about the vocabulary and they are too lazy to open their dictionary. Meanwhile, it is suggested that the students should bring their dictionary in English class. The other researcher are expected to do a research about Nursery Rhymes for other skills.


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