An analysis of pedagogical factors influencing efl teachers’ instructional practices in the classroom


  • Safa Marwaeni Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA
  • Sri Kusuma Ningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA



linguistics principle, pedagogical factors, EFL teaching, instructional practice in the classroom


Pedagogic competence is the ability or skill teachers must possess to recognize the characteristics of their students from various aspects of life, such as moral, emotional, and intellectual. This article analyzes teachers' linguistic ego, views on their teaching role, and attitudes toward English as factors that influence English language teaching and relate to teacher education. This article presents the results of a qualitative research study on pedagogic factors influencing English teaching in three public schools. Three linguistics principles were discussed with five EFL teachers during interviews: interlanguage communication, native language effect, and communicative competence. They all had an undergraduate degrees in English and had been teaching English for approximately 3 years. It was concluded that teachers' classroom instructional practice should capitalize on these factors so that teachers can evaluate their teaching skills in the classroom effectively and adapt their methods to ensure high-quality instruction.


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