About the Journal
- ISSN: 2775-6211 (online)
- Frequency :Â 2 issues per year (February and August)
- DOI: prefix 10.25273 by Crosreff
- Editor in Chief :Â Dr. Siska Diana Sari, S.H., M.H
- Managing Editor: Nizam Zakka Arrizal, S.H., M.Kn
- URL: http://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/AY
Activa Yuris is a scientific journal that publishes articles from the field of law. Activa Yuris is Published by Law Department, Universitas PGRI Madiun. Activa Yuris invites lecturers, researchers, students, and legal practitioners to publish their scientific works in accordance with the field :
- Constitutional law
- Administrative law
- Criminal law
- Civil law
- Contract law
- Customary law
- Islamic law
- Business law
- Agrarian law  Â
- Human rights  Â
- Anti Corruption law  Â
- Arbitration Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution  Â
- Environmental law  Â
- Company law  Â
- Health law  Â
- Legal Profession  Â
- International law  Â
- Air and Space Law  Â
- Law of the Sea  Â
- Procedural law  Â
- Bankruptcy law  Â
- Tax law  Â
- Labor law
- Information Technology and Electronics law / ITE Law
- Legal education
Activa Yuris with registered number ISSN: 2775-6211 (online) has been covered by the following indexing and abstracting services:
1. Google Scholar
2. One Search
3. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025)