Analisis Tingkat Technopreneurship Pada UMKM Sambel Pecel Wahyu Tumurun Kota Madiun

Ramadhan, Dyan, Suci


Madiun city is one of the cities located in the East Java region that has a typical food
that is "Sambel Pecel". One of the most famous pecel sambel in Madiun City is sambel pecel
Wahyu Tumurun. UMKM sambel pecel Wahyu Tumurun is one of the excellent products of
Madiun city. There needs to be a technopreneursip level analysis at UMKM sambel pecel
Wahyu Tumurun of Madiun City in order to improve the results and the quality development
of the undertakings, so as to be able to compete in the global market. The research was
conducted by using qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection technique is
done by observation, interview, and documentation. Analysis of data used with the process of
data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. From the research result
level Technopreneurship of UMKM Sambel Pecel Wahyu Tumurun at level 5 and level 4. At
level 5 includes appropriate technology assistance, documentation of production process,
introduction of alternative process technology, introduction of market expansion and
improvement of business efficiency and productivity, assistance to improve new technology
access capability, utilization of technology in product design / design process, improvement
of innovation climate among staff. At level 4 includes funding of technology utilization,
technology audit, mentoring and training on UMKM is more emphasized on improvement of
product research and development capability.


Technopreneurship, UMKM, Wahyu Tumurun.

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 Equilibrium : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya ISSN: 2303-1565 (printed) , E-ISSN: 2502-1575 (Online)

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