Pemanfaatan Media Untuk Pembelajaran Ekonomi di Sekolah Menengah Atas

Abd. Ghofur Kuswanto Ety Youhanita


This paper examines the utilization of media in economic learning at
senior high school level in Lamongan Regency which is reviewed from three
indicators, namely a) diffusion of innovation, b) implementation and
institutionalization, and c) policies and regulations. This study was conducted
for three months from January to March 2018 using a qualitative descriptive
design using survey method. Technique of collecting data using google form
questionnaire, interview, and study documentation. The subjects of the study
were 22 upper secondary schools selected with purposive sampling method
from 218 high schools in Lamongan. The result of the research shows that there
is no diffusion of innovation by high school economics teacher significantly in
utilization of media for economic learning. The use of various learning media
utilizes more infrastructure that has been available in schools, eg LCD
projectors and props. Administratively the teacher writes the instructional
media used in the Lesson Plans which refer to the Curriculum format 2013, but
in practice media usage is adapted to the classroom situation and condition
when teaching. In addition, school policies do not provide written regulations
relating to media utilization standards used by teachers in the learning process.


Utilization, Economic Learning Media

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 Equilibrium : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Pembelajarannya ISSN: 2303-1565 (printed) , E-ISSN: 2502-1575 (Online)

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