
  • Lina Rihatul Hima Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri



Communication Mathematics, Problem Based Learning and learning


This study aims to determine (1) how the implementation of learning mathematics using problem-based learning model of learning. In addition, to describe (2) how the students use the communication skills of mathematical learning model of problem-based learning. This study includes qualitative research, this kind of research using qualitative descriptive. The collection of data through observation, documentation, written test and interview. Data was taken two stages. The first stage is to give a written test instrument. The second stage is the interview of the subject selected. Making the research subjects were divided into three levels, namely a high skill level, ability level medium and low skill levels. Conclusion The results of this study were (1) reached learning the syntax or the suitability of the activities of teachers with lesson plans that have already been designed in using learning model of problem-based learning is progressing well with the percentage 84.97% or in the excellent category. While the activities of students during the learning progress with the learning model of problem-based learning has been performing well and is successful where the percentage reached 88.27% or in the excellent category.As for the students' mathematical communication skills in general in both criteria.


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