Profile Analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities with Krulik & Rudnick Stages Judging from Medium Visual Representation


  • Iva Desi Ruliani Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Nizaruddin Nizaruddin Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Yanuar Hery Murtianto Universitas PGRI Semarang



Problem Solving, Krulik & Rudnick Stages, Visual Representation


The ability to solve mathematical problems is very important in learning math and everyday life. According to Krulik & Rudnick there are 5 stages of problem solving that is Read, Explore, Select A Strategy, Solve And Look Back. Mathematical problems require multiple representational skills to communicate problems, one of which is visual representation. Trigonometry is one of the materials that uses visual representation. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that aims to describe the ability of problem solving mathematics with Krulik & Rudnick stages in terms of visual representation. The study was conducted in MAN 2 Brebes. Determination of Subjects in this study using Purposive Sampling. Research instruments used to obtain the required data are visual representation and problem-solving tests, and interview guidelines. The data obtained were analyzed based on the Krulik & Rudnick problem solving indicator. Subjects in this study were subjects with moderate visual representation. Based on the results, problem solving ability of the subject is not fully fulfilled. Subjects with visual representations are able to do problem solving well that is solving the problem through a concept that is understood without visualization of the image. Subjects with visual representations are having a schematic visual representation type.


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