Problem Based Learning (PBL), Fishbone Diagrams (FD), Ability to analyseAbstract
model accompanied with Fishbone Diagram to empower the ability to analyse. This study
was a quasi-experimental study. The study used a one-group pretest-posttest design. The
population of the study was all students of grade X of Public Senior High School 2
Karanganyar in the academic year of 2013/2014. Sample was taken using cluster random
sampling technique with a sample of 36 students. The instrument used was questionnaire,
observation sheets, interviews, and tests. The ability to analyze data was tested with the
Wilcoxon test and calculated by Ngain. The results showed the effectiveness of PBL module
accompanied with FD, in which it had been successful in increasing the ability to analyse
with a value of Ngainof 0.71 and the result was significance at p = 0.000, making the
ability belong to “high†category. Based on the results of research and hypothesis
testing, it can be concluded that PBL model with FD was effective in empowering the
ability to analyseof the tenth graders of.
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