Author Guidelines
The manuscript text general guidelines
- The article should be research-based or critical analysis research.
- Articles are written in Indonesian or English.
- The number of words should be between 5000-8000.
- The Cambria font (11 pt) should be used, with exactly 15 pt line spacing, in Microsoft Word format (.doc) with A4 page size, made 1 column. We currently do not accept other formats, such as Docx or Pdf files.
- The article must be original, has not been published in other media publications and does not contain plagiarism.
- Reference management software recommended to use Endnote application, and select the setting for the American Psycological Association (APA), 7th Edition.
- The article must be submitted through online submission system using Open Journal System (OJS).
- The content and guidelines of articles should include these components:
- Title. Title according to research variables, concise, reflects the content of the manuscript.
- Abstract. Reflects an overview of the research or the content of the article. Abstract contains: research problem and objectives, research methods, research results, present conclusions and research implications, and present research limitations. Abstract is made in the form of 1 paragraph, written in Indonesian and English, 10 pt, Cambria font, 150-200 words, with 1 space between lines.
- Keywords. Variables; research; made; 3-5 words.
- Introduction. This section outlines First, a description of the background of the problem that emphasizes why research needs to be carried out, Second, the state of the art, namely a brief review of previous literature studies that refer to journals and research findings in the last 10 years, Third, an explanation of the novelty value of several previous studies, Fourth, contribution to the development of science in the field of study studied, Fifth, expected results or research objectives in the article. The description is written narratively in paragraphs and does not need to be given subtitles. The substance of the research should not enter the realm of sensitive matters in any ethical issues.
- Method. This section explains how a method is used in research. In this section also needs to be clarified, namely the research approach, related to the number of populations or samples and sample collection techniques, how data collection techniques, data analysis techniques used, but not many theories. In principle, the method prioritizes explaining the process of how to obtain on test data.
- Results and Discussion. This section contains the latest findings and raises the value of novelty, shows the development of the science studied by discussing with previous studies, contributes to knowledge, and there is a comparison with the results of previous studies.
- Conclusion. This section does not repeat what is already in the discussion section. Conclusions should be written in clear, concise and concise sentences. Made in the form of paragraphs (not pointers): the first paragraph discusses the conclusions and implications of the research results, while the second paragraph discusses future research and research limitations.
- References. All bibliography and citation writing uses APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition style, required to use the Endnote application. The standard number of references is a minimum of 15 pieces and more than 80% of them must be from journal articles or proceedings of the last 10 years. Journal and books that are made references are published in the last 10 years.
Table and Figure requirements
The arrangement and placement of tables and figures refer to the APA 7th Edition about tables and figures. Examples of how to display data in the form of tables or figures can bee seen on Article Template.