Using Picture Series in Teaching Writing Skill for The First Semester Students of Medical Record Program in Stikes Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun


  • Lidia Deviga Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun
  • Yudha Fika Diliyana Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun



Series of Pictures, Improving, Writing Ability


The aim of this research was to find out the using series of pictures to improve the skill in writing recount text of first semester students of medical record program in STIKES Bhakti HusadaMuliaMadiun . This study was done on september  2019. The writer chooses the first semester  class that consists of 45 students. The result of this study is expected to be useful for students, teachers, and further researchers, because the study will give contribution to improve students’ writing by using series ofpictures. The method that was used  in this research was classroom action research.It was carried out in two cycles. The techniques for collecting data are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of this study was the first semester student of medical record program of STIKES BHM Madiun During the research, the researcher acted as the teacher and acted as an observer during the implementation of series of pictures. She made reflection about what happened in cycle I. After that, she is re-planning the activities that were going to do in cycle II. The instruments used in this study were the writing test, observation sheet, questionnaire and interview.The data collected through writing test using minimum scored in written test were ≥ 70. If the results of the test ≥ 75%, students have score ≥ 70, it means that the research is success. And if the result of the test < 75%, students have score < 70, it means that the research is not success.After the result of the students’ test was analyzed, it showed that series of picture had improved the students’ writing ability. The result of the study from preliminary study showed that the students’ writing ability was quite poor. Whereas the result of the cycle I and cycle II indicated that the students who pass the test areincrease.The research findings were taken from cycle I and cycle II. The result of test 1 showed that 19 students got score less than 70 or 30% was unsuccessful and 26 students score more than70 or 70% was successful. The result of test II showed that 9 student got score less than 70 or 20% was unsuccessful and 36 students score more than 70 or 80% successful. It means that in cycle II the students’ score test got better and the research is success


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Author Biographies

Lidia Deviga, Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun

First , let me introduce myself. My name is Lidia Deviga, Iam 32 years old. Iwas born in Tulungagung,April 3rd 1988. My address is jl Bromo no 188  Maospati Magetan. My hobby is badminton.. Speaking of my family , Ihave husband, one younger brother and younger sister. My husband is working as a teacher. And my parents is working as a PNS. I am graduate at Islamic University of Malang and now, I currently teaching english in  Bhakti Husada Mulia College of Health Science of Madiun . In here I teach all program study

Email :

Phone Number : 085334479752

Yudha Fika Diliyana, Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun

My name yudha fika diliyana, you can call me fika, Iam 35 years old, I was born in madiun, march 30th 1985. My address is klagen barat magetan. My hobby is cooking and traveling. I have husband and one older brother. My husband is working as a PNS and my father is working as army and my mother housewife. I am graduate at Brawijaya University. And now ,I teach in Bhakti Husada Mulia College of Health Science of Madiun.

Email :

Phone Number : 081232610415


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