Lisa Agus Ning Tiyas


The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of Picture Word Inductive Model and also to know the advantages and disadvantages of Picture Word Inductive Model in teaching writing. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The population of this research is the seven grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Maospati. The sample of this research is the students of class 7i that consists of 30 students, with the technique of sampling using purposive sampling. The data collections are gotten from observation, interview and documentation. In analysing the data, the researcher uses (1) reducing data, (2) displaying data, and (3) conclusion or verification. The result of the analysis shows that: in applying the Picture Word Inductive Model, the teacher gives explanation about descriptive text and the definition of Picture word inductive model and give example by showing the pictures. Before the teacher asked the students to write it by themselves, the teacher gives example how to write based on the picture. The advantages of the implementation of Picture word inductive model are the students are active, enjoy, have good enthusiasm in the teaching and learning process and the students can write easily because they have found the word in the picture. The implementation of PWIM also helps to increase students’ ability in writing skill. The disadvantages of this research are the students have difficulty in making sentences and it needs more time to teach writing using that strategy in teaching learning process. Based on the result of the research, the researcher gives suggestions to the teacher, students and readers. The teachers should be creative to teach the students, so the lesson will be more interesting.


Teaching; Writing; Picture Word Inductive Model

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