Using DIY Comic Strips in Teaching Writing During Pandemic Covid-19


  • Jamalia Nur Fahma STKIP PGRI Bangkalan
  • Hendra Sudarso STKIP PGRI Bangkalan
  • Iin Rachmawati STKIP PGRI Bangkalan



comic strips


Writing ability was one of crucial ability in learning languages including English. According to Curriculum of English Subject, the students were expected to be able in composing simple writing in accordance with the chapter they were learning. In fact, most of the students faced difficulties in creating English writing because the students were surrounded by several issues. Based on that case, the researcher interested to develop a learning media which is suitable with current development so that the students’ writing ability increased. The researcher developed comic strips which was made through Canva Pro. The aim of this research was to find out how was the implementation of DIY Comic Strips and the students’ feelings which conducted in VIII B class, SMPN 4 Bangkalan. The approach used to collect the needed data was Qualitative Approach. The result in this research were the students felt much easier in writing and understanding material, became motivated because the media was new, and absorbed new vocabularies. As conclusion DIY Comic Strips was a suitable learning media to be implemented in the classroom.


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Author Biography

Hendra Sudarso, STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

English Education Department


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