Bibliometric Analysis of Performance Management: Research Obstacles and Opportunities

Muhammad Hanifa, Bambang Widagdo, Robert Kurniawan


This study presents a bibliometric analysis of publications relevant to performance management. Increased research in management has led to the emergence of a new paradigm in applying performance management systems. The researchers explore how to improve the effectiveness of the performance of companies and institutions. This bibliometric analysis research found 945 articles related to performance management using the Scopus database. The R-Studio bibliometric package is used to conduct data analysis to find trends, worldwide distribution of documents, influential journals, frequently used citations, and countries that dominate publishing articles. This study aimed to analyze articles from the Scopus database related to "Performance Management." The findings obtained in this study that the effectiveness of management lies in the organization's ability to determine goals, motivate employees to change individual behavior, and use the Balanced Score Card (BSC). This research can assist organizations in improving the effectiveness of performance management and as an illustration for future research.


Performance Management; Balanced Score Card; Bibliometric; R-Studio; Performance

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