This research aims to find the factors forming lifelong learner attitudes in the Z generation. The data collection is using the Google Forms platform. The data analysis technique is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the Lisrel 8.80 program. The results show that factors that influence the attitude of this lifelong learner include family, school, social, and individual factors. Indicators of family factors include inspiration, aspirations, and family attention. School factors are formed from indicators of the teaching quality of lecturers, class facilities, and university facilities. Social factor indicators include social needs, community support, and government support, while individual factors are formed from future orientation, self-efficacy, and internal locus of control.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari faktor pembentuk sikap lifelong learner pada generasi Z. Pengambilan data menggunakan platform google form. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan teknik analisis data Stuctural Equation Modeling (SEM) melalui program Lisrel 8.80. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap lifelong learner meliputi faktor keluarga, sekolah, sosial, dan individu. Indikator faktor keluarga meliputi inspirasi, aspirasi, dan perhatian keluarga. Faktor sekolah dibentuk dari indikator kualitas pengajaran dosen, fasilitas kelas, dan fasilitas universitas. Indikator faktor sosial meliputi kebutuhan sosisal, dukungan masyarakat, dan dukungan pemerintah, sedangkan faktor individu dibentuk dari orientasi masa depan, self efficacy, dan locus of control internal.
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