The History of Acculturation: A review article

Ali Elhami, Anita Roshan


Migration is a conscious decision that comes with many difficulties and has been a feature of human history since the beginning of time. The process has increased in frequency recently as a result of globalization. These days, a large number of people from less developed or lower-income countries migrate to more developed or higher-income countries to gamble their fate in a new society in the hopes of ameliorating their lot in life, obtaining a more profitable job, raising their kids in a less hazardous environment, or attending top-notch universities. During their experience, they often endure hardships in the target country, such as resettlement stress, racism, unemployment, and/or language difficulties. Hence, the study of acculturation is crucial in understanding how individuals adapt to a new culture and cope with the challenges they may encounter. This article aims to explore the concept of acculturation by looking at existing theories and research on the topic.


Migration, acculturation, intergroup contact, adaptation, language knowledge

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