Development of Quizizz-Based Interactive Questions to Measure Scientific Reasoning Skills

Adam Malik, Yusuf Setiawan, Winda Setya


This study aims to determine the feasibility level, students' scientific reasoning abilities, and students' responses to the use of quizizz-based interactive questions in measuring students' scientific reasoning skills. This research method uses the 4D model (Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination). The results showed that quizizz-based interactive questions to measure scientific reasoning skills developed were declared very feasible by the validators at a percentage of 82.6%. The results of the percentage of students' scientific reasoning skills on conservation reasoning indicators are 25%, probabilistic reasoning 20.83%, proportional reasoning 8.33%, correlation reasoning 4.17%, variable reasoning 8.33%, and hypothesis-deductive reasoning 12.50 %. The question has positive response criteria as seen from the results of the assessment of students by 88% with very interesting interpretations. Thus, it can be concluded that quizizz-based interactive questions to measure scientific reasoning skills are very feasible to use and get a positive response from students.


Interactive questions; Quizizz; Scientific reasoning skills;.

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