The Implications of Electronic Mortgage Right's Implementation to Non-Bank Creditors


  • Benny Djaja Tarumanegara University
  • Shinta Jayanti Permatasari Tarumanegara University



Mortgage right, Electronic Mortgage Rights, Non-bank Creditors


Since July 8th 2020, the Minister of ATR/ chief of BPN Regulation Number 5 of 2020 has been ratified regarding Electronic Mortgage Rights, including regulating the implementation of private (non-bank) electronic systems. The application of the electronic system requires that every process from the registration stage of new Mortgage, renewal, and roya be carried out electronically. The service subject of the electronic Mortgage system is creditors and PPAT. Creditors consist of individuals and legal entities, both banking and non-bank. The author discusses the problem of how the mechanism for registering mortgages and roya through an electronic system for non-bank creditors, and how PPAT's responsibility is in registering mortgages electronically. The purpose of this research is to find out and understand the mechanism for registering mortgages and roya on non-bank creditors and PPAT's responsibility in registering mortgages electronically. This study uses an empirical juridical approach, with the object of research namely the application of regulations at the Land Agency Office of Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Province and the experience of several PPATs. Based on the data and analysis, it can be concluded that the mechanism for registering land for creditor accounts begins with registering the Touch Tanahku application, then PPAT will carry out the process of making APHT with predetermined conditions. During the process of electronically registering Mortgage Rights, PPAT is responsible formally, but not materially


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Laws of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Mortgage Rights on Land and Objects Related to Land. Laws no. 4 of 1996. LN No. 42 of 1996, TLN No. 3632.

________.Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Electronically Integrated Mortgage Services. Regulation No. 5 of 2020. BNRI No. 349 Year 2020.

________Technical Instructions Number 2/Juknis-400.HR.02/IV/2020 concerning Electronically Integrated Mortgage Services.


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