Nilai Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Ekstrak Etanol Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix DC)


  • Fadilah Qonitah Universitas Sahid Surakarta



Kaffir lime, ethanol extract, Sun Protection Factor (SPF) value


The effectiveness of a sunscreen can be shown, one of which is the value of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF). Kaffir lime plants belonging to the Rutaceae family have free radical scavenging activity and can be used as an active ingredient in sunscreens. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of the ethanol extract of kaffir lime leaves. The extraction process was carried out by maceration using 95% ethanol and determining the SPF value using the Mansur method by UV-Vis spectrophotometry.The results showed that the SPF value at a concentration of 20 ppm was 2.52±0.32 (minimum); concentration of 40 ppm was 4.36±0.04 (medium); concentration of 80 ppm was 5.22±0.41 (medium); concentration of 160 ppm is 11.06±0.09 (maximum); and the concentration of 320 ppm was 22.14±4.41 (ultra).


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