Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Group Investigation Dengan Pendekatan Problem Based Learning Pada Mata Kuliah Sistem Akuntansi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
Learning Module, Group Investigation, Problem Based Learning, Accounting SystemAbstract
education. Initial observations made by the researcher show that the textbooks owned by the
students are still not adequate, so the learning process can not be maximized, especially the
teaching materials in the form of print. The research and development of this accounting
system module aims to realize the practical learning materials, effective and has relevance to
the needs of students. Learning accounting system module developed based on group
investigation as research product. The model used in the development of this learning tool is
Borg and Gall Model. Broadly speaking step development research consists of three stages:
1) Preliminary study phase, 2) Development study phase 3) Evaluation Phase. The data have
been analyzed descriptively quantitatively using inferential statistics using control group
and experimental group. The results obtained that the learning-based group investigation
module with a problem-based learning approach in the course of effective accounting system
is reviewed from the results of understanding the concept and test results of students. This is
because the module developed is made interesting with communicative and simple language
so that it can be understood by the student.
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