Peramalan Penjualan Batik Murni Dengan Pendekatan Metode Kausal Dan Time Series
Kata Kunci : Kualitas, Penyamakan Kulit, , FTA
UPT X is located in Magetan Regency, producing leather which has a variety of machines used for the tanning process. Many medium-sized leather industries (IKM) engaged in tanning and leather products from East Java, especially from the Magetan area and its surroundings, manage leather at UPT X which is tasked with managing the leather service sector and as raw material for making shoes and bags made of leather. This study uses the FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) method to identify product quality problems and describe the conditions that cause defects in production. Based on research conducted in November 2021 to April 2022, the largest value of the percentage of rework is found in the fleshing machine with a weight of 22%. For fleshing machine defects, there are tears on the skin surface caused by several factors such as damage to the blade, the machine does not work optimally, there are scratches on the skin surface, holes or tears, a stifling production environment, noise, heat and lack of lighting, repair recommendations need regular maintenance to reduce product defects.
Keywords: Quality, Tannery, FTA
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