digital advocacy, Critical Discourse Analysis, Interpersonal Metafunction, Social Movement, HastagAbstract
Studi ini menyelidiki strategi wacana dari lima gerakan sosial global—#IceBucketChallenge, #ReadyFor100, #FridaysForFuture, #MeToo, dan #BlackLivesMatter—untuk meningkatkan efektivitas advokasi. Studi ini menekankan tiga area: (1) Praktik Wacana (produksi, distribusi, konsumsi), (2) Praktik Sosiokultural (ideologi, hegemoni, kekuasaan), dan (3) Praktik Teks (Metafungsi Interpersonal: SUASANA HATI dan MODALITAS dalam tagar). Data dari situs web resmi dan media sosial dianalisis menggunakan kerangka kerja Halliday dan Analisis Wacana Kritis Faircloughian. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa #IceBucketChallenge memanfaatkan video pengguna, sementara #MeToo dan #BlackLivesMatter memberdayakan suara akar rumput melalui platform digital. Praktik sosiokultural menimbulkan tantangan terhadap rasisme sistemik, patriarki, dan ketergantungan bahan bakar fosil. Modalitas deontik dan kalimat imperatif diidentifikasi melalui analisis tagar, yang menggarisbawahi pentingnya partisipasi kolektif, akuntabilitas moral, dan urgensi. Gerakan-gerakan ini mempromosikan solidaritas, menantang kekuasaan, dan mempercepat perubahan transformatif. Di masa mendatang, penelitian harus menyelidiki interaksi advokasi offline dan digital, berbagai gerakan di seluruh wilayah, dan aktivisme di bawah batasan platform.
This study investigates the discourse strategies of five global social movements—#IceBucketChallenge, #ReadyFor100, #FridaysForFuture, #MeToo, and #BlackLivesMatter—in order to improve the efficacy of advocacy. It emphasizes three areas: (1) Discourse Practice (production, distribution, consumption), (2) Sociocultural Practice (ideology, hegemony, power), and (3) Text Practice (Interpersonal Metafunction: MOOD and MODALITY in hashtags). Data from official websites and social media were analyzed using Halliday's framework and Faircloughian Critical Discourse Analysis. Findings indicate that the #IceBucketChallenge capitalized on user videos, while #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter empowered grassroots voices through digital platforms. Sociocultural practices posed a challenge to systemic racism, patriarchy, and fossil fuel dependency. A deontic modality and imperative sentences were identified through hashtag analysis, which underscored the importance of collective participation, moral accountability, and urgency. These movements promote solidarity, challenge power, and accelerate transformative change. In the future, research should investigate the interplay of offline and digital advocacy, diverse movements across regions, and activism under platform restrictions.
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