learning media, cartoon media, science learningAbstract
The observation results show that the material does not understand what is conveyed by the teacher. Learning media is the main choice in teaching to accelerate the teaching and learning process and help students understand the teacher's understanding. For this reason, this research will develop a powertoon media that only focuses on learning natural science materials, energy sources and changes in energy forms. The purpose of this research is to develop powtoon media and to find out the feasibility of powtoon media in science learning. The sample in this study were 20 students of class IV at SD Negeri 2 Baru. Research data collection techniques were obtained through interviews, validation questionnaires, response questionnaires and tests. The results showed that learning media in science learning was valid based on the results of the material experts' assessment of 90% (very valid), media experts 88% (very valid), linguists 94% (very valid). The overall percentage of the three validation experts is 90.6% which can be concluded that powtoon media is very feasible to be tested on fifth grade students. The feasibility level of powtoon media in science learning based on student response questionnaires gets a proportion of 97.8% in the "very valid" category. The assessment of the teacher's response value reached a proportion of 98% in the "very valid" category. The feasibility level of learning media in science learning based on the results of student evaluation tests after product trials obtained an average of 84.5. Student interview data were analyzed so students understood the material easily. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that in science learning using powtoon media can make it easier for students to understand the material.
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