Code Switching Used by Agnez Mo in “Go International, Agnez Mo Selalu Bangga Mewakili Indonesia†at Daniel Mananta Youtube Channel
Code Switching, Agnez Mo, Video Entitled “Go International, Agnez Mo Selalu Bangga Mewakili Indonesia.Abstract
The author analyzes the use of code switching. The data is in the form of sentences containing code switching spoken by Agnez Mo in the video "Go International, Agnez Mo Selalu Bangga Mewakili Indonesia". The purpose of the research in this article is to determine the dominant type of code switching and the reason of code switching from the data obtained. In this article, to determine the type of code switching using Wardhaugh's theory, and to determine the reason for code switching using Hoffman's theory. The research method is content analysis, in the form of a transcript of the video entitled "Go International, Agnez Mo Sealalu Bangga Mewakili Indonesia". The result are, first, dominant type of code switching is metaphorical code switching. Second, the dominant reason of code switching is the intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor. The author limits this article to sentences containing code switching that Agnez Mo said in the video "Go International, Agnez Mo Selalu Bangga Mewakili Indonesia" using Wardhaugh and Hoffman's theory.
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