Spectrum of kinetic energy of electrons of Helium ions in functions Radial Schrodinger waves on quantum numbers (n ≤ 3)


  • Dellya Natasha University Jember
  • Bambang Supriadi University Jember
  • Kevin Cahya Andilla Unwaru University Jember
  • Rery Irmawati University Jember
  • Friscela Yona Nagifea University Jember
  • Naziroh Faiqohtul Herlia University Jember
  • Tiara Angelita University Jember




wave function, spectrum, kinetic, electron


The Schrodinger equation is an equation that describes the properties of a wave. The Schrodinger equation is solved using a variable separation method that produces a wave function. The wave function using the variable separation method is divided into 2 parts, namely the radial part and the angular part. The energy spectrum states the energy levels of electrons. Energy spectrum and wave function are related to each other. The energy level in the Schrodinger wave function in the form of kinetic energy is the energy for electrons to move from one point to another. The research aims to describe the kinetic energy spectrum of electrons in the radial wave function. The type of research used is basic research, namely the development of existing theories. The result obtained is a radial wave function with a certain quantum number n and an integrated Laplace constant that can produce electron kinetic energy, namely by integrating the wave function with each quantum number. The kinetic energy has its own value according to the quantum number. Kinetic energy in quantum numbers (n = 1,l = 0, Ek =171.18 eV ; n =2,l = 0, Ek =399.09 eV n =2,l = 1, Ek =152.16 eV n =3,l = 0, Ek =5096.81 eV n =3,l = 1, Ek =81142.43 eV n =3,l = 2, Ek =21.979 eV). The conclusion of this research is that the kinetic energy spectrum of electrons produces a directly proportional relationship to the quantum number n, where the greater the quantum number n, the greater the spectrum or kinetic energy level of the electron.


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