Development of STEAM-LW Based Creative Thinking Skill Test Instruments for Grade IX Junior High School Students

Farida Amrul Almuharomah, Widha Sunarno, Mohammad Masykuri, Tantri Mayasari, Farida Huriawati, Mislan Sasono


Creative Thinking Skill is one of the abilities that must be mastered by students. Based on research 7 Junior High School in Ponorogo Regency, it was found that the Creative Thinking Skill indicators was on average 33,5% in the less category. Creative Thinking skill can be measured by tests or non-tests. This study aims to develop STEAM based Creative Thinking Skill tests instrument integrated with Local Wisdom that is valid acording to experts and reliable. The development prosedure used the ADDIE model. The research design used a pre-experiment. Data analysis was using a decriptive quantitative approach in the form of N-gain. Aiken index to analyze the validity of instrument. The result test instruments has a validity of 0,88 with a valid category. The reability of the test was 0,81 and the difficulty level of the questions was 4 items in the easy category and 3 items in the medium category. The significance of the correlation of 3 questions is very significant level and 4 questions are significant level. The integration of Local Wisdom to instrument is expected be able to develop student’s Creative Thinking Skill as to give birth various ideas and progress of the Pancungan Pottery Industry.


Instrument; Creative Thinking Skill; STEAM; Local Wisdom

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