Development of Electronic Modules based on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical (STEM) Approaches in Vibration and Wave Courses
electronic module, vibration and waves, higher-order-thinking skillsAbstract
This study aims to produce vibration and wave teaching materials in electronic modules based on the STEM approach. This study uses research and development methods with a 4D development model. The research subjects were all Physics Education study program students who took vibration and wave courses. Data collection tools include validation sheets (materials and media), response questionnaires to measure the practicality of the module, and tests to measure the module's effectiveness. The data analysis technique uses proportions with predetermined criteria and practicality. The effect size equation is used to measure the module's effectiveness. The results showed that (1) the e-module was feasible to use according to the expert with an average value of 3.77 material and media validation results and 3.86 very valid categories; (2) the practicality of the e-module with a very practical category is 76.75% and (3) the effectiveness of the e-module in increasing the HOTS of students with the criteria is very effective.
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