Jurnal Pendidikan https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP en-US Jurnal Pendidikan HUBUNGAN ANTARA KONFORMITAS DAN HARGA DIRI DENGAN KECENDERUNGAN AGRESIVITAS REMAJA https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/154 The study examined the relationship of conformity, self-esteem, and aggressiveness. Research subjects were 76 middle adolescents ages 16 to 18 years (16 males and 22 females). Data of aggressiveness obtained from the aggressiveness scale. Data of conformity obtained from the conformity scale. Data of self-esteem obtained from self-esteem scale. The results of regression analysis of conformity and self-esteem R = 0.325, F = 2.130, p = 0.126 (p&gt; 0.01). Conformity and self-esteem variables simultaneously is not associated with adolescent aggressiveness. The results of partial conformity test t = -1.888, p = 0.063 (p&gt; 0.05). Conformity variables in isolation is not related to aggressiveness. The results of partial self-test t = -1.061, p = 0.292 (p&gt; 0.05). Variable self-esteem in isolation is not related to aggressiveness. Diana Ariswanti Triningtyas Herlan Pratikto Suroso Suroso Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.154 IDENTIFIKASI BERBAGAI JENIS HAMA PADI (Oriza Sativa) DI KECAMATAN NGRAYUN KABUPATEN PONOROGO SEBAGAI SUMBER BELAJAR SISWA SMP KELAS VIII SEMESTER GASAL POKOK BAHASAN HAMA DAN PENYAKIT https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/162 Rice is the staple food of Indonesia's population . However, rice production in the country has not been able to meet the needs of the national rice . This research is descriptive qualitative exploration methods to make observations and identification of pests and pest morphological features of rice paddy field in the area of the District Ngrayun Ponorogo . Rice sampling technique was determined by cluster sampling method (sampling area) , pest sampling technique was determined by saturation sampling method for all members of the pest population is used as a sample . Based on research carried out on 15 samples of rice fields in the village of the District 10 Ngrayun obtained 10 kinds of pests of various species namely : Ladybug Green (Nezara viridula) , Ladybug limbed like leaves (Anasa tristis) , Walang Sangit (Leptocorica acuta) , Slant -faced Grasshopper (Chloealtis conspersa) , Protonum bertaji Grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) , White Moth (Tryporiza inotata), caterpillar Leaf Folder (Cnapalocrosis medinalis), green leafhoppers (Nephotettik nigropictus), grain Leaf Beetle (Oulena melanoplus) , Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) , and Insect Aft Body Tail Spring (Onychiurus ramous). Suroto Suroto R. Bekti Kiswardianta Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.162 IDENTIFIKASI KEANEKARAGAMAN SERANGGA PADA PERKEBUNAN JERUK PAMELO DI DESA BANDAR, KECAMATAN SUKOMORO, KABUPATEN MAGETAN SEBAGAI BAHAN PENYUSUNAN LKS POKOK BAHASAN KEANEKARAGAMAN HAYATI https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/165 The presence of insect pests often makes citrus fruit is damaged, rotten, and finally yellow, resulting in losses among farmers. But not only harmful insects are contained in a plantation area. Sometimes insects also benefit farmers, such as insects that act as natural predators for insect pests. This study aims to determine the kinds of insects and determine the identification and classification of insects found in plantation area in the village of Bandar pamelo, Sukomoro, Magetan. This research is descriptive qualitative which leads to a detailed description of the data. Data collection was done by direct observation and with the help of Net Flay and traps with methyl eugenol. The results showed that there are insects that act as pests or insects that act as predators who are on the plantation pamelo. Including pest insects are family Tephritidae, the family Acrididae, Tettigoniidae family, Papilionidae family, family Pyrrhocoridae, family Coreidae , family Flatidae. While insects act as predators that Aeshnidae family, family Mantidae, family Formicidae, family Coccinellidae. LKS is a book that contains a summary of the discussion at the same set of questions. Through the use of worksheets teachers, not only in supporting books that are universal, but the teacher can adjust to the conditions and situations that occur in students' learning and the school in question. Kartika Dwi Ermawati Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.165 IMPLEMENTASI THE POWER OF TWO UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MENGAJAR MAHASISWA DALAM MICROTEACHING https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/168 This study implements the power of two strategy on subject microteaching. The purpose of this study was to determine effect and improvement students teaching competence use of the power of two strategy. The method of this study was qualitative descriptive. Subject of study were student microteaching lecture class VIB of VIB1 group in biology department Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Education IKIP PGRI MADIUN Academic Year 2013/2014. The data obtained through assessment sheets using two instruments. That are learning plan and learning practice instruments. The results of this study showed an increase in the value of the average student in the learning plan. The average on first meeting was 2.80, second meeting 3.02 before apply the power of two strategy, became 3.50 in third meeting and 3.81 in fourth meeting after apply increase the power of two strategy. The average increase also occurred in leaning practice. The average on first practice learning was 3.01, second practice learning was 3.06 before apply the power of two strategy, became 3.30 in third practice learning and 3.52 in fourth practice learning after apply the power of two strategy. Muh. Waskito Ardhi Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.168 PEMBELAJARAN SAINS MENGGUNAKAN MEDIAKOTEKA SAINS (KOMIK TEMPEL KARTUN SAINS) PADA MATERI EKOSISTEM TERHADAP PRESTASI DAN KEAKTIFAN BELAJAR SISWA MTs AL MUJADDADIYYAH KOTA MADIUN https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/171 The research aims to create a learning media Koteka Science ( Science Cartoons Comics Paste ) on the material terms of the ecosystem and the achievement of student learning MTs Al Mujaddadiyyah Madiun. The study was conducted in May-June 2013. Study uses quantitative data analysis techniques, namely the feasibility of data media Koteka Science from the validator, the data teacher activity , student activity data, the data student achievement data and teacher student questionnaire responses to the penis gourds. Science. Products validated by 3 validator and obtain tested 20 types of data, which is included in the criteria for 2 very worthy, worthy 6,7 pretty decent, 1 less feasible, and 4 are not feasible. The data indicate that overall for Science Koteka media worthy and well as learning media. Based on the pretest results of 22 students in the criteria either 10, 10 is good enough, and not good 2, whereas the posttest results of 22 students who fall into the criteria of an excellent 7, both 14, and a pretty good one. Data indicate that the Science koteka using instructional media can improve student achievement scores. Based on students' responses to the questionnaire Science Koteka media of 22 students, who fall into the category of very good 7 students , both 9 students , and quite 6 students. It shows that students' response to the media either Koteka Science. In response to the teacher questionnaire data showed that 80 % feasibility study. Student activities gained 67.9 % before treatment and after treatment gained 80 %. The observation of teacher activity obtained before treatment and after treatment 85.4 % 90.4 %. It shows that learning by using media Koteka Science and decent so as to improve the performance and activity of students' learning. Riyan Yuniarga Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.171 PENERAPAN METODE TALKING CHIPS DALAM PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR PROFESI KEPENDIDIKAN II PADA MAHASISWA PRODI PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI SEMESTER VB IKIP-PGRI MADIUN https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/173 Research aims to improve student achievement half of VB Biology Education Program at Teachers' Training College-Madison PGRI courses Professional Education II. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR ), with V semester students study subjects Prodi education PGRI Biology Teachers' Training College- Madison with a number of 41 students. Collecting data using a test sheet for students and the quality of the data observation sheet for the implementation of learning activities which include faculty and student learning. The results showed an average value of 59.8 in the first cycle, while in the second cycle was 69.9, an increase of 10.1 or 16.88 %. The quality of learning with the application of methods Talking Chips, which includes data quality faculty and students through observation sheet has increased. Data quality faculty activities in the first cycle was 79.1 with an active predicate, while in the second cycle of 91.6 with very active predicate, thus an increase of 12.5 or 15.8 %. The quality of student learning data in the first cycle was 72.7 with an active predicate, while the second cycle of 95.4 with very active predicate, thus an increase of 22.7 or 31.2 %. The conclusions of this research is the application of methods Talking Chips in cooperative learning can improve student learning achievement Profession Kependidikkan half-PGRI Madison VB Teachers' Training College . Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.173 PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN DEDUCTIVE-INDUCTIVE SCIENCE THINKING MODEL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP METODE PENELITIAN PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI DITINJAU DARI KREATIVITAS MAHASISWA https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/176 <p class="rtejustify">The object of this study were 1) to determine the effect of deductive - Inductive Science Thinking Model on student achievement, 2) to determine the effect of creativity on learning achievement , 3) to determine the interaction between deductive-Inductive Science Thinking Model with the creativity of the learning achievement .</p><p class="rtejustify">This study used an experimental method . The population is students of Biology in semester VI IKIP PGRI Madiun academic year 2012/2013. Sampling using cluster random sampling technique that consists of two classes, one class for learning deductive - Inductive Thinking Model Science and other class on non deductive-Inductive Thinking Science Model. Hypotheses were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA with a 2x2 factorial design .</p><p class="rtejustify">The results of this study after testing the hypothesis at 95% confidence level is 1) no effect on the use of models of learning achievement , 2) there is the influence of creativity on learning achievement, 3) there is an interaction between the model of learning and creativity on learning achievement.</p> Sigit Ari Prabowo Raras Setyo Retno Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.176 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN BAHAN DASAR DAN JENIS GULA TERHADAP TEBAL LAPISAN DAN UJI ORGANOLEPTIK NATA SEBAGAI PETUNJUK PRAKTIKUM BIOLOGI KD.2.2 SEMESTER GANJIL KELAS X https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/180 Nata is a type of food that contains enough fiber in lieu of fruit. The study aimed to determine the effect of the use of the base material and the type of sugar to a thick layer and organoleptic nata, the results are used as the building blocks of Biology Practical Hints KD.2.2 semester class X. research using completely randomized design ( CRD ) with two factors, namely the use of nata the manufacture and delivery of different types of sugar. At each treatment be repeated 3 times. Organoleptic assessment Nata de Nata de coco leri and performed by 25 panelists using a questionnaire that includes color, firmness, and flavor. Nata thickness data were analyzed using statistical methods annava two lanes and organoleptic test data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The data were the average coating thickness showed significant nata, ie the resulting value ( 0.000 ) &lt; significance level ( 0:05 ). Treatments that received the highest layer thickness is G1N2 = 18.32 mm. The thickness of the lowest is the treatment G2N1 = 6.20 mm . Organoleptic test treatments that have the highest value is G2N2 . The lowest value is G3N2 . Daika Silviana Effendi Sri Utami Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.180 PENGEMBANGAN BUKU PEDOMAN MICROTEACHING BERBASIS LESSON STUDY PRODI PGSD FIP IKIP PGRI MADIUN https://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/JP/article/view/185 Kekhasan pembelajaran di SD berupa pembelajaran tematik baik yang terintegrasi antarbidang maupun intern bidang pelajaran belum terfasilitasi secara baik dan merata dalam pembelajaran <em>microteaching</em>. Hal ini disebabkan banyak aspek, untuk memeroleh standardisasi proses pembelajaran mikro Prodi PGSD IKIP PGRI MADIUN, perlu dikembangkan buku panduan pelaksanaan pembelajaran mikro berbasis <em>lesson study</em>. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran mikro Prodi PGSD IKIP PGRI MADIUN dengan menggunakan buku tersebut, akan mempunyai standar yang sama antara rombongan belajar satu dengan yang lain. Pembelajaran Mikro (<em>microteaching</em>) merupakan suatu kegiatan pengajaran <em>peer</em> <em>teaching</em> yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa dalam jumlah dan waktu yang terbatas. Bentuk pengajaran sederhana, dimana calon guru berada dalam suatu lingkungan kelas yang terbatas dan terkontrol. Hanya mengajarkan satu konsep dengan menggunakan satu atau dua keterampilan dasar mengajar. <em>Lesson study</em> adalah model pembinaan profesi pendidik melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan, berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip kolegalitas dan <em>mutual learning</em> untuk membangun komunitas belajar. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam pengembangan buku pedoman <em>microteaching</em> adalah analisa potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain buku, pengembangan buku, validasi buku, revisi buku I, uji coba buku, dan revisi buku II. Instrumen pengumpul data yang digunakan dalam pengembangan buku <em>microteaching</em> yaitu angket, produk berupa buku, dan lembar deskripsi keterlaksanaan uji coba buku. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data kuantitatif berupa skor angket, pemberian nilainya adalah dengan menghitung persentase skor. Dari analisis data diketahui bahwa validitas buku pedoman pembelajaran mikro yang dikembangkan mempunyai validitas tinggi dengan skor 2,7 dan menempati kriteria baik. Hasil uji lapangan menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran mikro berjalan dengan baik dengan menggunakan buku pedoman ini. Selain itu aktivitas positif dari mahasiswa muncul secara konsisten. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat reliabilitasnya tinggi. Dari keseluruhan hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas buku pedoman pembelajaran mikro berbasis <em>lesson study</em> ini baik. Dewi Tryanasari Ellys Mersina Mursidik Imam Gunawan Copyright (c) 2016 Jurnal Pendidikan 2013-06-01 2013-06-01 19 1 10.25273/.v19i1.185